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Comfort Techniques for Labor & Birth Class

The most effective mind-body coping techniques for a better birth experience!

Learn powerful mind-body comfort techniques for labor and birth. The techniques taught in class will support the expecting mother both physically and emotionally. Partners will be empowered to be effective sources of comfort throughout labor.

For many, this appointment is a supplement to a hospital birth class. For others, it a is a "refresher"or new perspective in preparation for a second or subsequent birth.   The education and techniques shared during our time together are especially valuable to those looking to have a vaginal birth after a cesarean section (VBAC).  

This private class is 3 hours in duration and includes the Blissborn Parent Materials. Class can take place in your home or in our office or virtually.

*Insurance may cover all or a portion of your tuition.  Please be in touch to learn more.

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